Healthy Mindset = Healthy Weight

If your mental patterns aren’t healthy, your body won’t be either. No matter how “perfect” your workouts and nutrition habits are, it’s your mindset that is the make it or break it factor when it comes to weight management.

If you can keep your mindset healthy your body will follow. Here are three mindset shifts that can help you accelerate to your weight management success!

1. Restructure restrictions:

Over-restricting food intake with the mindset that eating less will equal more weight loss will only take you so far before it will fail you. When your body is starving for nourishment it will hang onto the body fat to survive a famine, resulting in a weight loss plateau. To get optimal fat loss and muscle gain results I encourage you to shift your mindset to see food as nourishment not just calories. This will help restructure your food choices to include more nutrient dense foods that will optimize our metabolism, fuel muscle recovery, and burn more body fat.

2. It’s not a race:

Most people can achieve rapid weight loss with extreme short-term measures. The thing is a quick sprint approach is not a realistic timeline for your metabolism to heal nor does it allow hormones to rebalance and achieve long term transformation. Holistic bodybuilding, metabolic transformation and healthy habit installation will not happen overnight, so be patient with your body and consistent with your effort to embrace the process. This mindset shift will prove that small steps do add up to big and lasting results.

3. Quit comparing:

It’s important to have mentors and coaches that inspire you to be your best you, but comparing your body, your appetite, your training program, or your results to anyone else not an effective way to feel good about your progress. The healthiest comparison is you against you. Stay committed to your program and celebrate that you are better, stronger, wiser and healthier than you were yesterday.

The time for a positive shift is always now. All you need to do is start, trust the process and enjoy the journey. Cheers, MB


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